Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob


I am feeling a lot better today, although I am absolutely cream-crackered after a fairly crap nights sleep. This is the face of someone who is too warm and whose laptop is trying their patience...! There's a strong chance I'll need to break out the fan later.

In other news, I managed an almost triple-bill of movies this evening. (I say almost because I missed the start of the third one.) We started with Demons, which is a fairly bonkers demonic-zombie horror type thing from the 80s, complete with cool and gross practical effects body horror. It was just a hair too long for me (did we really need that many cuts back to 4 people doing coke in a car?!) but otherwise it's great fun. The Breakfast Club was on just after that, and as I'd never seen it before Rich said we should watch it. I really, really liked it for the most part, though 2 things stuck in my craw a bit; firstly I really didn't like that the princessy one ended up snogging the rebellious one as they were awful to each other the whole movie and it wasn't really necessary, and I hated that the jock one was only interested in the goth one after a makeover. Did this movie even need any of them to be romantically entangled? I don't think so. Rich went to bed after that but despite last night's crap sleep I was suddenly weirdly awake and it was still too warm for being in bed, so I flipped over to watch just over half of Grease 2. This is another one of those films that I love that just has one super grim bit that I really wish they'd cut out; the Do It For Our Country sequence which is just musical sexual harassment really... Anyhoo, now it's time for bed.

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