
I had something planned for today's multiple exposure challenge, but while I was having a coffee outside the Apple store I took three shots of people waiting to be allowed in, and thought, 'That'll do.'
The app in Snapseed is one I forget about, so thank you Ingeborg, for reminding me, and for hosting.

I also bought myself a new toy.
I usually wait until my computer expires before replacing it, but there was a very good special (not at Apple - I don't think they do specials.) so I'm ready for anything.
I must apologise for not replying to everyone who's been kind enough to comment or leave a star or heart, but life is busy at the moment, and Tiny Tuesday hosting is pretty time consuming.

Speaking of which, I'll cut to the chase.
Hearts this week go to:

Doyley22 for a simple, effective and very pleasing bike detail.
Anniebelle for a beautiful suffragette brooch and accompanying story. 'More than just metal.', as she says.
BobsBlips for an attractive mono of barbed wire, softened by wool.
KeenKen for a beautifully photographed tiny spanner.
kayakgirl for some tiny teeth on a bandsaw. I just love the colour, tones and composition.

Thanks to all who entered. There were many other exceptional entries.

Next week's theme is EYE and the tag is TT266.

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