Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Starting to Get Hot

The temperature has gone up here and it's starting to get hot.  It feels strange because it doesn't feel like it should be summer yet as we've missed a whole season.   

My blip is of a 'shower' that holds 10 litres of water and which we bought last summer and never got round to putting up.  Here it is now!  We hung it on our roof terrace and you just open the little bit at the bottom and the water sprinkles out.  It might cool us down during the hot months and be fun to use before going to bed or after sitting in the shade on the roof terrace.  Time will tell to see if we actually use it or not!  

It was a public holiday here today for San Juan and although I was still working in the morning as I'm working for a school in Zurich, we managed to have a lovely relaxing afternoon and evening sitting in the shade on our patio, which comes into our own at this time of year and the electronic sunshade is used from mid-day and transforms the space into something more private, shady and a real extension of our 'patio room' - the heart of our house. 

We had an early evening snack of crackers, smoked salmon with Greek yoghurt, dill and lemon juice and then a few hours later had cheese and bread.  An easy food day!   

I had one success in an input session this morning when I used a Padlet for a writing task.  I really don't think the trainees appreciate (which is just as well!) how much all those new things are challenging me and making me nervous.  

In the other session I had a 'not-quite-failure';  the dvd I wanted to show and screen share with them didn't work.  I have no idea why not.  I was playing it from my Google Drive and had tried it 3 times yesterday with Bb and it worked.  Ho hum.  Luckily I'm a fan of plan Bs and I had sent them the link to it before the session and so was able to tell them to go off and watch it independently with two set tasks and then we came back together in Zoom to reflect on it.  That worked thank goodness.  I sat at my laptop nervously checking my emails every few minutes for the first 15' expecting emails to say they couldn't watch it.  However, when we came back to talk about the tasks, it had all gone fine, but it turned out that they weren't able to do the one I'd set up on error correction as this was during the last 5' of the lesson and the dvd stopped 5' before the end.  If I hadn't given them the error correction task, they'd never have known!   Not to worry and I've since then managed to get another digital copy of said dvd and will send them the link to they can watch it over the weekend if they fancy.   It means I also have it for the next course.  


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