Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Faces Day 4: Guardian

Today was another very hot day and my shoulder continues to create so many issues for me that I just had no desire to go out and brave the heat. 

So this evening, I decided to revisit my "Faces" file.  

Several years ago, when I took this photo, I was being carefully guarded by this gentleman and a host of others.  My bus had broken down and our crew was stranded in a not so pleasant place.  It could have easily turned violent if had not been for these valiant guardians.  When we were being harassed by "bandidos", these gentlemen put their lives on the line to protect us . . . and not just a bunch of ignorant "norteamericanos", but also the local people as well.  Bullets were fired, but thankfully no one was hurt - at least on our side.  The "bandidos" retreated. 

There are many themes here - all of them going in different directions, and many political.  But in this situation, I was grateful for the kind assistance of these men who decided to stand between me and those who intended to do harm.  Without them, I doubt that I would be here now, so many years later. 

"Muchas Gracias!"

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