Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Beaver Again

Over lunch yesterday Carolyn mentioned that she'd like to go to try and spot the beavers after the no-show on her previous trip last week.
So today we packed up a picnic and headed out at 4.30pm
It has been even hotter today and with thunder storms forecast, we hoped that the weather wouldn't deter the adult female from venturing out of the lodge.
We sat down on the opposite bank enjoying home made scotch eggs (Carolyn's speciality) and remarked that theyre couldn't be many better things to do on a hot summer's evening.
Having now visited four times and spoken to the regulars, I am aware of the female's routine, so after 1/2 an hour we ambled down stream to her favourite feeding place.
Suddenly, silently, there she was but quickly she disappeared into the reeds. The loud chomping soon started up and although there was no visible sign of her we could still keep track.
Another couple of brief sightings as she started back upstream and then we lost sight of her. A frustrating 30 mins followed as we walked up and down the half mile stretch back to the lodge
Finally we saw her strip a small branch of its bark and then carefully take it back for her kits to eat we think.
Just brilliant!

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