Stealth Badger

By StealthBadger

And the best Husband in the world award goes to...


Who else keeps a night away on the isle of Skye staying at a world famous restaurant quite for almost three months?

On Monday I got the surprise of knowing we were going away; we have five dogs and a friend would have to watch them and the house so we had a bit of preparing to do. That was all the info I was given...

So on Tuesday we headed out at about eleven or so and we drove. I was told it'd be a coupe of hours... five and a half; but that was all part of the surprise!

Neil managed to keep it all under wraps till we got to the sign posts for the Isle of Skye and... well, I twigged it but was absolutely gobsmacked!

It was just for one night but what a night! The room was fantastically luxurious, the staff were amazing and the food.... lets put it this way, I don't want food from anywhere else ever again!

Check it out if you want the temptation!

So, this is a shot from the road away from Colbost and the Three Chimneys restaurant; it'll be a three night stint the next time I think!

I love my ever surprising hubby!

EDIT: When we stopped at the Green Welly on the way back down we got a quick interview with Dougie Vipond about where the Tay River started! How random is that! Neither of us knew but I can only figure it was some cryptic nonsense meaning it starts in Crianlarach and all us silly Scots don't even know it!

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