Lily The Pink it's not ..
which makes a change for me, as I am a lover of pink, not soft pink/baby pink, but hot pink & shades of, but my plan is for a hot bed. Rich, hot colours, and this lily will be added later. It's one of 7 pots of lilies that I saved from the heap. A friend was moving home, his late wife loved lilies, but he had no room for them. I've been waiting for them to open. The two pots up at the allotment are a fabulous yellow, but I'm not sure they will fit in with my planned scheme. I am trying to control my urge to include more plants. I was'nt going to have any pots, & I'm surrounded by them. All extra watering that I'm trying to avoid. It's both time consuming, & wasteful, if we have a heatwave again.
I did'nt sleep at all last night, well that's how I felt this morning when I got up, 5.40am. The birds were up & about, so was I. No overnight rain, or thunder & lightening, as forecast, just horrid humidity.
I was on the plot before 7am. I LOVE IT UP THERE! Busy, busy, busy today. No rain, but who knows it could just creep up on me, so I loaded the plants in my car for the plant sale ... Then I set to, I know i keep on about the Japanese squash but it is amazing!!! I needed to tweak the original structure to accommodate more growth coming off the sides. I think I've planted too close together but I'm sure we'll be fine. I've got babies :- ) Pink baler twine, such a useful stash to have. I watered everything bar the broad beans & fruit bushes, transplanted another butternut squash, they are moving into the space left by the potatoes lifted yesterday. Next job the comfrey ... I took the lid off the 'brew', then stood well back .. I did'nt think it was too bad at all. Mind it looked disgusting. I treated the tomato plants to a diluted brew. I hope they like it. I cut the bed of new comfrey leaves down, next brew bubbling away. No lid for the container so had to improvise. I think improvise should be my middle name. The broad beans are fattening up too quickly, they are'nt supposed to be ready yet but they are so I picked them .. 3 varieties so it will be interesting to compare yields. I chatted to an allotment neighbour, " My onions are looking pretty good"
"What variety?" I asked.
"I don't bleedy know, tham onions" .. Well that's not very helpful is it!! LOL!!
Jackie asked "Would you like some leek plants?"
Stuart interjected "She won't want any as I don't know the variety"
Moi " Ew, that would be lovely .. thank you"
Of course I'm in the same predicament as Stuart. I have'nt got any where to plant them, but they won't hurt in the pot for now.
Back to harvesting the broad beans, picked loads but more to come.
Gooseberries next .. I picked the fruit off 3 bushes that were on the plot when I took it on. first bush, small red fruits (10oz), next, another red fruited variety (12oz) I had a slight problem keeping my hat on my head ......It was HOT! Pink baler twine to the rescue, over the hat under my chin. Job done! ... Then hubby arrived, he needed me to go and pick up some plants that did'nt fit in the removal van. A friend moving to Conway, North Wales. I picked the fruit off one more bush, a green variety (56oz), this from a plant that has been neglected. I need to check out soft fruit pruning.
I packed everything away, drove home, dropped off the trays of plants, then on to meet hubby. One of the removal men kindly lifted them into the car for us.
Home everything unloaded. A girl messaged me last night asking if she could come and look at the plants this afternoon as she was working both Saturday & Sunday. She did'nt turn up .. very annoying! I put a barbecue on the local FB page, another item that would'nt fit in the removal lorry. I had 3 prompt inquiries, & hopefully Rifat will be here in the next 10minutes to collect it. I hope the plants sell as quickly tomorrow. A wrote out plant labels for all the plants I'm selling earlier, a lady from Rowcroft Hospice rang me about the plant sale tomorrow. I hope we raise lots of money for the hospice. Shirley, an allotment, & house neighbour dropped 6 basil plants around for me to sell, & Jackie, Stuarts wife is bringing some surplus tomato plants over in the morning.
Rifat & his friend have just arrived, they're very happy with the barbecue.
Time for dinner.
Thanks to Anni/BikerBear for continuing to host Flower Friday.
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