A Wonderful Discovery!

Dear Diary,

I looked out the window and saw a Robin divebombing one of the Chipmunks!  Very unusual behavior that could be explained by only one thing, there was a nest nearby!  So, when Poppa Robin landed back in Auntie's tree, I crept out to look.  It didn't take long to find the nest and Momma Robin sitting on it!  Rubbish photos but I didn't want to disturb them.  Robins will abandon a nest if they feel insecure.  I guess the Auntie's tree pruning will have to wait.  The nest is too high up for me to see the eggs but maybe I will get a peek at the babies when they hatch.  Something to look forward to.  Our weather is back to normal I am delighted to say.  Lovely days and cool nights.  Like a summer in Maine should be.  Now, a bit of rain and all will be perfect!

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