Northern Star

By Lifferz

Weekly progress

It’s unexpectedly windy and somewhat rainy today. Spent the morning trying to eliminate dust from the bedroom (having about 20 photo frames above the bed means it’s a very careful and time consuming cleaning job - it is worth it!)

I was pulling bindweed from a shared hedge today when the heavens opened and I sheltered under a small apple tree which thankfully provided excellent coverage as I couldn’t get back to the house quickly.

Had a good chat with my folks tonight and my brother. We are hopeful Dad will be reunited with Mum by this time next week - fingers crossed but with life how it is right now (strange year so far) no chickens can be counted!

I decided to blip my Polytunnel again this week as it is the season of great growth. I thought if I blip it once a week I can see visual progress. The beady-eyed will spot the courgette plant is no longer there and the plants have been re-arranged a bit. I am no plant expert but I noticed my courgette has a white mildew powder on it (possibly due to humidity and overcrowding). It’s lost the three flowers it had and I’ve pulled off the worst leaf and stuck it in the great outdoors in the hope it recovers. I’m not chancing it infecting the other plants.

The butternut squash (now bottom right) are going for it this week! Big change in size and sturdiness.

I picked loads of gooseberries today. I made a crumble. I plan to make an almond and gooseberry cake tomorrow if I get my admin job done this weekend. Involves reading three pieces of legislation and finalising some paperwork. . .

Lastly, but by no means least, I’m thinking of Admirer this weekend. It’s so sad to lose someone from the Blip Community and she and her talent for photography will be clearly very much missed by Many of us in Blipland.

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