I had such a nice day today. we spent the whole time in the garden, re-potting tomato plants and herbs, weeding and sorting out the blueberry bushes and ordering a planter and new strawberry plants. daisy helped. it was hot and thundery. I need to bank these days in my memory for when I’m sick to remind me the it passes and it’s not all awful. the best bit was we harvested our first radishes and they’re huge! I made a sweet pickled radish and cucumber salad to go with our tea and is was so delicious. chuffed with them! everything is coming on great in the garden - all our hard work paying off. it’s been ace to be able to do tiny bits of gardening even when I’ve been ill - this radish was a big deal! I finished painting door knobs for mum at night and we watched more glasto - adele was hilarious.

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