
By TameTomato

Family party goes wrong

I’m experimenting with living life as if I’m in a bad sit-com....

My mum took a funny turn at a family party. Her blood pressure was very low so the paramedics decided to take her to hospital. On my way to my car to follow the ambulance, I took a rather dramatic tumble down some steps in the dark so the paramedics had to then carry me into the ambulance too....
Me: “Hi mum!”
Mum “WTF???” (She’s too polite to actually say that but must have been what she was thinking).

Turned out I had broken both arms (right shoulder and left wrist), sprained an ankle and collected quite a collection of very sexy bruises. Oops.

Mum on the other hand is doing absolutely fine now. My 83 year old parents are having to look after ME - they are doing wonderfully.

Yes, you couldn’t make it up could you!

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