Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The young people

It was inevitable, they knew they could not escape me and my camera and so we had a few photos in the garden in between the rain showers today. It was lovely to have Tommy's girlfriend Inca here for the day - I had briefly met her last November when I went to pick Tommy up from university at the end of term, but it was her first visit to our home. It would have been good if Adam was home as then we would have the full team in the photo!

We had a BBQ lunch as it was easy to cater for the vegetarian diets this way - chicken kebabs for the meat eaters and halloumi, mushroom, red peppers and red onion ones for the girls who are both vegetarian. The pistachio and raspberry upside down cake (with ground almonds and polenta) that I made yesterday was eaten for pudding and it was very good, I will make it again.

After lunch Luke and Meriel went to London where they will stay for the week - Luke has not been to his home since the middle of March so he felt he needed to spend some time there again. Meriel needed to get stuff from her flat too. Tommy and Inca left for her home where they will stay for the week - they had plans to travel around the UK this summer camping, but due to circumstances they are camping in a field at the bottom of her garden instead.

And so it is back to just Gavin and I at home by ourselves for a while - it will feel very strange! 

Peculiar weather today, some rain showers but mainly sunny all day.

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