You spin me right round.

Met up with Jodie and the boys (Two of them). We went for a walk, the boys on their bikes while Dean with bad hay fever, and new baby Louis had a nap. Weird weather, one minute sunny, next really windy and squally showers. They played on some outdoor 'stuff' .... Hand sanitiser used in abundance! We played The Three Billy Goats Gruff on the bridge over the stream, and the boys had some gross blue ice lollies (no doubt full of 'E' numbers ... Not my problem! The Ice cream van arrived as we walked through the car park - Good timing for the boys with Nanny there!

Franky asked me to stay for a while when we got back, how could I refuse? A lovely cup of tea, a bounce (me) on the trampoline, then back home to give Ali her physio and carry on trying to sort bits and pieces going into my new room. 

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