Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


swim early with a bunch of women

We had a good laugh and a chat and brought our own flasks of tea or coffee. One lady brought a big tray of hot sausage rolls and that made a nice breakfast for us. Another brought white chocolate and cranberry muffins. These were divine.

On a funny note. My son paid a visit and we spent a few leisurely hours chatting and generally just shooting the breeze. I enveigled him into cutting my hair - which he did. See extra for my shorn locks.

It has been a lovely day. Despite the fact that is was only 12 degrees outside when I drove to Bray this morning and all day showery and cool. I cooked seafood pasta for our lunch with green salad. I have my work clothes lined up for next week and I am going to watch a funny film this evening.

Wishing all blippers a good relaxing evening

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