Thank You To God And Our Veterans

We Had our patriotic service today  because next Sunday would have been a little anti-climactic,  being the day after our Independence Day.  We thanked God for our wonderful country and then we thanked our veterans for their part in helping to preserve  our freedoms and blessings!  We were blessed with beautiful patriotic songs.  My younger brother, Larry sang a marvelous rendition of "God Bless the USA" backed up by members of the praise team and orchestra.  There was a slideshow honoring the veterans in our congregation, some of whom have already moved into their eternal homes.  I would have liked to include their pictures in my collage  but there were so many, so my favorite veteran is representing them in the collage along with a shot of the bracelet honoring Vietnam veterans that Bro. Steve wears.    After we sang some rousing congregational songs, Mark and Julie Chambers sang a lovely version of "If My People" which I had not heard before, but enjoyed very much.  Then Bro. Steve spoke eloquently about the price of freedom including the price of civil freedom, the price of national freedom and, finally, the price of eternal freedom! It was a thought-provoking and inspiring day at FBC!. 

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