A Stagger to a Dark and Mysterious place + Nyet!!

Walking with U3A today and The nice bus bloke took us to the end of the road to HIghbury to start walking but then at no additional cost took us back to the "Dark and Mysterious' place already mentioned for Coffee and treats.(buses are free to the end of the month anyway and everyone had "Gold Cards" which makes them also free so we were all "Double Free"  
This is strange behaviour which I was having trouble reporting as everything had gone dark in my world as The Boss popped me into a POURING RAIN free pocket in his pak and I didn't get out until he had staggered home from the "Dark and etc etc above.
Oh and the lovely Russian lady "V" was saying "No" but meant  "Nyet" as The Boss was getting this action portrait in iPhone live. 
Pawscript.....She later did say "da",  "Spasibo" "V". 
PawPawscript. All this translation was never part of my job description should I complain and demand something??

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