To celebrate National Camera Day  here is part of my collection. This is a Franka Solida Record, built in 1958, when the company was producing 650,000 cameras a year. Founded by Franz Vyskocil in 1909, Franka Kamerawerk was based in Bayreuth, Germany . . .  in the US-Zone. Camera production ceased in 1967.

This model has an 80mm lens, with fixed shutter speeds of 1/30sec and B, with apertures of f/8, f/11 and f/16. The lens also has fixed icon settings for bright days, cloudy days and portrait, groups and landscape. Inside there is still a Fuji Colour 120 film roll of 12 exposures.
The Death of Olympus . . . I think that there will be some grand Micro 4/3 camera bargains about soon . . . and that this resilient brand will still be supported by JIP . . . fear not . . . stick with a grand camera brand. Quality still rules.

Happy Birthday to a special mystery Blipper !

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