Foxy encounter
Another long day. Closed the second silage pit after seven more loads. This time it was the loader tractor that gave us a few "exciting" moments in the form of mystical electric problems. They didn't last long though, and as they were mystical, we didn't find out what caused them. It may have been partly because of the heat (+32°C).
After the pit was closed, I mounted the mower and mowed a couple of patches to be baled. Driving back home, I noticed a cat and a fox on the field less than 100 metres from the yard and about 30 metres from the road. I took the main blip with the phone camera when they were still staring at each other. Soon the cat (later identified as Mörkö from the photo) started running towards the yard, with the fox after him. I turned the tractor towards them and the fox turned away.
I fetched a DSLR with a telezoom and took a few photos of the fox further away on the field. He found something to eat there as you can see in the extra.
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