Apple Blossom

You will probably already have thought to yourself that this is an Amaryllis and not apple blossom and of course you would be right. It is an Amaryllis called Apple Blossom though and the colours of its flower should be a mixture of pink and white. Only the tip of the flower bud was showing when I bought it but this last week it has grown so much that it has fully emerged from the bulb now.

We had some sun before I left for the sanctuary but this afternoon it clouded over completely before I got there and by the time I'd finished my walk with one of their dogs the light was already too poor again to get any decent photos and the few that I did take have already been deleted again, which is why I'm posting this one of my Amaryllis. I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on though if the light is bad again tomorrow and I can't get a decent blip at the park.

This afternoon I walked a new dog, a male Rottweiler cross named Pacha. The list at the sanctuary didn't mention what the other half of his parentage was but looking at his size and the shape of his head and body I would have a guess that it might be a Staffordshire. It was lovely getting to know him and I quite enjoyed the walk we had together. I hope Pacha did too.

Today I woke up with a sore throat, a blocked nose and a very dry mouth so it looks like I've started a cold. I've already had one hot toddy (lemon juice, whisky, honey and hot water) since I've been home again but no doubt I'll have at least one other before going to bed.

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