I thought the pink baler twine
supporting the Ushiki Kuri squash plants would be perfect for today's mono blip. I did'nt need to add any more this morning, I think the chilly wind blowing across the plot put them off growing another foot overnight.
A load of washing pegged out, I took all the empty plant trays, veg waste for the compost heap, plus the 2 trays of Hebe that did'nt sell back up to the plot.
I was'nt planning on staying long this morning, but needed to water, water & feed the tomatoes, which I noticed needed tying in, another job. Jorgiesmum arrived so had a nice chat, although the wind was pretty nippy. Shame my shed is'nt big enough for chairs & bunting, alright I'm joking about the bunting, but chairs plus somewhere to make a hot drink rather than a flask would be perfect. The courgettes had a water & feed, I transplanted the two butternut squash after adding some well rotted horse manure to the ground where I'd previously grown potatoes. Popped a couple of Patty Pan 'Sunburst' squash seed in my cold frame.
Richard & Shirley offered me a bunch of sweet peas & 4 freshly pulled turnips. I did'nt grow turnips but I think they're pretty easy so should perhaps get seed. I've got a batch of Bok Choy seedlings to plant out but they can wait, the wind was picking up. I picked a kilo of peas. And before I knew it, it was 12.30. Time to go.
First load of washing dry, I got the bedding out on the line, lunch, then did the ironing. Next job, attaching ties to my sun hat. I had to use the baler twine at the weekend to keep it on my head. NOT a great look!! Dinner tonight was a freezer dip .. I need to make room for the produce from the plot. Mum is going to make gooseberry jam tomorrow when I get sugar.
Thanks to Laurie54 for hosting Mono Monday -Any mono NOT in black & white.
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