
Monday....what can I say. And a Monday with a team meeting over lunch hour, even better. Still it had its high points with a couple of dolly out of the pram moments. Not me, I hasten to add, but it did add a wee spark of life to the proceedings for sure.

'scuse me and indulge me while I have some fun trying to get on top of my new toy. With my old camera the cheeky wee cormorants who live in the quay where I work we're out of bounds. They are now snappable with the zoom lens and the speedy response to the point and click. Cormorants are up for a few seconds then dip into the water fishing. They disappear in a trice and can pop up anywhere...quite a challenge. This is no thing of beauty but I did use the only free moments of my daylight hours to stand outside in the biting sleet and wind trying to snap them. Must be worth something? ;) I am sure on a bright sunny day the results would make for more interesting viewing!

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