Park Gymnastics

I think I’ll need another holiday to get over this weeks holiday!

Up at usual time with the puppy then L and I took her for a nice trail walk.

Then, after our breakfast we cycled round to A’s house then we all cycled up to show A our plot from yesterday.

We carried on our cycle and didn’t realise the parks had reopened so spent a lot of time playing on all the swings, etc and doing some gymnastics.

Their classes have been cancelled this week.

Back to ours for lunch then after I took them round to the cricket club to do more gymnastics training whilst I practiced keepy uppies with my old football.

I managed 29 :-)

Back to ours and the girls caught up whilst I went for another bike ride around the farm roads before dinner.

More fun planned for the evening although need to get prepared for tomorrow as we have our first viewers coming.

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