The Eagle Has Landed

What do you do on a cold and almost wet afternoon in Wellington....Take your iPhone camera to Te Papa.
Te Papa ( Our Place) is NZ's National Museum and as Museums go its a cracker. They currently have a major exhibition on called "Nature" and The Boss and a friend took their phones there this afternoon to create camera art. Photography is allowed. It was a wonderful afternoon and we had a great time. There  is a great cafe with "go to sleep" seating and its amazing how much fun you can have with an iPhone camera in poor and artificial light. They take lovey sharp pics without a tripod which would be totally impractical. 
This wonderfully back lit Eagle occupied The Boss for some time and the barkground has been cleaned up in "Retouch" App and Lightroom CC for iPad and The Boss came home with more ideas than prudent I thought. 
Check it out in large
Pawscript   Extra added on getting home and The Bossess pointing it out.


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