Lovely gift

Dead chuffed today to receive this from my sister!
She got it for me as a graduation present - but as the ceremony was cancelled and no new date for it yet, she decided I should have it now.
She could not have chosen better - so many of the things I love are incorporated in it. The books of course for the MA in English, the Owl - one of my favourite birds captured around my house in glass paperweights, wood carvings, jigsaws, cushions etc. The photographic print on a genuine piece of printed paper from around 1830 - so cleverly done and beautifully framed in a real solid wood frame.
My photo doesn't do full justice to it - as I look afresh at it it could be sharper - the fact that it is under glass has affected the focus - and the inevitable reflection of course. 
But I love it - makes me smile every time I look at it! 

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