Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Tongue in cheek

I got my pre order of beer today. Two dozen cans of Barnard Castle Eye Test hazy IPA. Just like a certain political advisor, this brewery will always go the extra mile (or 260) to make a point (or should that be a pint?).

Read the small print.

Finished reading Dead Famous: An Unexpected History of Celebrity from Bronze Age to Silver Screen by Greg Jenner. Enjoyable Bill Brysonesque book this one, which leaves me very glad that I never sought nor had fame thrust upon me. Apart from the lack of privacy there are plenty of obsessed people out there just dying to kill you or kidnap you ...

Shitty day in most senses of the word. Although a certain gentleman of my acquaintance did kindly take some rubbish off my hands, and we did see some bears this evening ...

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