OMG?! We've been 'locked down' for 100 days. On the 23rd March when we were told that we had to be 'locked down' for three weeks, who would ever have thought that it would have morphed into this?

…...........BUT actually, it's become a way of life..........................

And whilst some restrictions have been lifted, our life hasn't really changed very much since the 23rd March 2020. Even though we have driven all the way from Scotland to Cornwall (to spruce our house up ready for when lock down is finally getting back to normal on 4th July) we are still alone and isolated. I'm still only getting my two walks a day, although today Ann did incorporate my afternoon walk to her friend Diane's garden for a social distancing couple of glasses of wine. Lol! And yes we have met friends for a social distancing dog walk or sit in their garden. But at the moment life is no where near back to normal for my human.


We were going to stop titling our Blips 'Lock down day ???' when we reached 100, but actually things aren't back to normal yet.

We will change the title on 4th July, when my human can rent out her house to holiday makers................. when she can get her hair cut, when she might actually be able to get back to work as a 'Meet & Greeter', and when she can go into pubs & restaurants again. She probably won't do any of these things for a long time yet, BUT, she could if she wanted to. ….................And psychologically that's the difference between being in lock down totally trapped and having a choice.

Anyway here I am on Porthmeor Beach this morning. I had it pretty much to myself. How fabulous is that? The 'rules' for dogs on the St Ives beaches have changed this year so I'm allowed to go on the beaches before 10am and after 6pm. How fantastic is that????

100 days in lock down. This really does have to end soon!!!!

…................On 4th July 2020 we will have a new title for our BLIPS. Lol!!!

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