Strike that. Reverse it!



Tommy's birthday today and it was such a great day. Tommy loved it! He opened his presents this morning, then went into school. He wore his new lego watch so he could show it at show and tell. He was very happy that all his friends sang Happy Birthday to him. Then we had a party for some of his school friends. Then more presents to open. Oh to be 5 again, when birthdays were super exciting and not just another number.

Was lovely because he fell asleep on top of his new blue monkey. Tommy collects monkeys so this was the latest addition. I scooped him up and carried him to bed. He was s tired never stirred. Its not an easy job carrying him to bed especially as he has a mid sleeper bed. It was lovely to be able to take him to bed, been a long while since he'd been so tired. He curled up in a little ball and was like he was a baby again, so he will always be my baby :0)

Had lots of blips to chose from today but decided on this one. One of Tommy's birthday presents was a lego camera. He said he wants to take lots of photos just like mummy! So here he is a future blipster.

Hope you've all had a great Monday. xxx

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