forty six and 2

By paulclenahan

Meet Oats

Well. Hello blipfoto.

I used to post regularly, a fair few years ago. For some reason, my interest fell off the wagon. Probably due to working to hard.

Life has changed a lot since then. Abs, my daughter, has nearly grown up. Nellie, my dog, passed away in 2015. Both used to feature heavily in my posts.

We now have a second daughter, I will refer to her as squidge, who likes being photographed more than her older sister.

I've also had a battle with a form of blood cancer, and a nasty, life altering, bout of septic shock. Thankfully I'm well on the road to recovery at present.

I have taken some of this time to reflect on past posts. At times I was very big headed, and some hdr stuff was a bit ropey in quality.

Onto the future. Blip may be a way to move on, I think I'll pick it up again, probably not daily to start with, but we will see.

On a side, this is our cat, called Oats. You might see a lot of her in the future.

I hope you are all well.

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