through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


I need to learn to smile more. Especially when talking to people.

I've realized sometimes I don't REALIZE I'm not smiling. In my mind, many scenarios plays out like this:

me: *smiling* hey, why didn't you text me back?
friend: oh, sorry! I was busy!

But in reality (or in their heads)...

me: hey. why didn't you text me BACK? *glare*
friend: OH SORRY. I WAS BUSY...

That's why when I get responses back that... I wouldn't have expected, I get so confused as I walk away. Thus I appreciate it a lot if that person actually tells or asks me what just happened.

Something like this happened today and... my friend, I'm so sorry if you thought I was angry at you.

And this picture actually turned out more creepy than what I wanted to portray...

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