Rodents rule

By squirk


The marbled white is a new butterfly for me and it's one that's hard to snap as it's quite a flutterer. This is my third lunchtime trying to catch one on camera in the local cemetery. I wasn't sure if I was going to get out for a walk as it was tipping it down, but I ran out in a sunny break, only to have to shelter under an oak as the heavens opened again. It was worth going for a wander, though, as it helps to break up the day.

The evening walk to Streatham Common was cut short by rain, too, as we didn't think to bring a brolly and it tipped it down. We were sad to see one of the mature trees had been cut down. On examining the trunk, we saw that someone had started a fire in it. I wonder if that happened, then the tree had to be felled. It's now stag beetle fodder. 

It's Thursday so quiz night. I won by one point of the team of Mum and Rory. Yay! So close.

I then enjoyed a blether with a friend, talking about making ponds (she's built one and I'm considering it) and the embarrassment of having a tip of a house and realising only when the window cleaner is peering in that someone else can see the midden you're living in. 

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