Berta's Daily Snaps

By bertalilac

Helen in the Tumble Dryer...No Fear

She just climbed in and sat in it. No hesitation whatsoever. So I took a picture and decided to post it. Not everyday someone does this. Although looking at the inside, I don't think I'd ever want to.

So today was the Superbowl and as we have several American friends we decided to watch it. Bit of a big mistake as none of us had ever really watched American football and so it was very confusing as they kept stopping after three seconds, which is more odd than anything else. They have to see a rugby game to see a proper sport.

And James left his door open again which meant that now two of his Santa socks are hanging up above his bed with a message. He doesn't learn.

Oh, and I met my boyfriend's oldest brother and sister in law today. Very nice people and a really lovely lunch in a pub in the middle of Norwich. Not really had to do that before, but managed it all right, I think.

It really has been a very long day.

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