A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Art installation

I spent all day in schools built during the 70s: concrete, weird angles and rather strange color choices. First, my brain and I had a meeting at my university with a few people with whom I'm editing a book. I say my brain, because it was nice to stretch that part of my brain, since it's been rather snowed under all that grading. Then, I went to my college to see my students struggle with their last literary analysis. Now, I've prepped them well, I'm sure. And only one of them had forgotten the book (huge progress). I don't know if it's mean, but they were kind of cute: hitting their foreheads, scraping pieces of papers, sighing, etc. I'll see Wednesday how they managed with pride and prejudice.

Oh, and I saw a few more of these random "art installations", things left behind by custodians... Maybe I should have done a search throughout the building... What if they mark a code of some sort?

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