Be careful

More torrential rain today.  Despite having plenty to read and other things to do indoors, I became very restless this afternoon.  I hate walking in the rain, mostly because my glasses get wet and seeing thereby is tricky. I decided to go to Tesco for a few essentials.  

Whilst there, wearing a mask like a good citizen, my glasses steamed-up. I took them off to wipe them clear and a lens popped out and fell to the floor. After a few minutes searching around, aided by some very kind and helpful staff, we found the fragments of a broken lens.  So, I then had to go to Boots to order a replacement lens. A large sum of money and only 18 days wait for that to arrive. At least I have some wearable spares.

Whilst groping my myopic way back to my car, I passed this scene - town centre pubs are preparing for the great re-opening tomorrow.

When I got home, I turned to one of my art books for today's study.  The first work that interested my was by a German artist - Sigmar Polke who, it turns out, was famous for his Lens Paintings. What are the chances? 

An example is The Illusionist (2007) which is based on a complex optical illusion. His work used a "bottom" image over which a translucent polymer gel was applied on top of which a further image could be painted. This work shows, as the bottom image, three men sword fighting and on top two Victorian magicians conducting a séance with a seated woman. It appears that the woman has been pierced by a sword, which has released an angel and devilish creatures.

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