A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

There once were ...

6 ugly ducklings and in the wet, again, we headed up to the pond to see and feed them and the other wildfowl. 
First we saw the goslings - the younger three are now very leggy and we’re soon out of the pond after the food. Extra. 
The two older ones are now barely distinguishable from the adults.
The adult male swan then charged, true to form, in to the group of geese chasing them off the water at the bottom of the pond. 

A bit further round the Pen and 6 cygnets were at one of the bays ( blip) and Eda enjoyed feeding them. A lady passing said that the seventh had a damaged beak yesterday and someone came from the RSPCA yesterday to look at it and she assumed they had taken it away. 

No ducklings apparent anywhere, they must have all been tucked up under mum keeping dry!

When we got home Grace had a visitor so I made Eda her lunch. There were a couple of spells of brightness where we managed a swing at the top of the garden and then she sat down to watch Moana. Wasn’t long till she was fast asleep. She must be warn out.

Daddy’s on his way tonight, made a curry for tea so there will be some left for him when he arrives. 

Not sure if we will see any sun this weekend but have a good one anyway.

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