Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Got out on Buddy this morning. It's too early to say but think we may have had a bit of a break through with Buddy's head tossing. Had a long chat with chiropractor when she came to do Jack yesterday and ended up getting Buddy in as she wanted to check his hyoid. She said it was very tight and showed me how to release it. It makes sense it's this could be affecting the way he's going because of how he's carrying himself. Anyway, I did it this morning before I got on and no head tossing at all!! Was quite an eventful ride though because Jasper pulled his head down to eat grass and the reins snapped in two!!! Didn't have far to go home but Georgia rides with a neck strap on so she managed to loop that thru his bit and get back to the yard!

Cleaned all of upstairs this arvo before going back to the yard to turn out. Mike has just put this beast in the oven - steak and ale. Nom nom.

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