Shopping On A Greyscale, London

So glad to reach Friday at last. I feel like I've been walking through treacle since Wednesday. Today I just went to Marks & Sparks to get my lunch and then wandered through Soho to try and get today's shot. I spotted these people walking past a now defunct Mango fashion store and I thought it captured the weird unreality of being in the middle of an "invisible" deep recession while everything feels quietly normal (I did notice quite a few empty commercial premises though). I used to use a greyscale in my work photography which could register the purest white to the darkest black and I feel we are going between these extremes during this period more often than ever before. 
When the furlough payments end in October I think job losses will go through the roof - I really hope I'm proved wrong. The extra is called" Making A Show Of Mixing Fashion".

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