Another grey day!

It wasn't a day to encourage me outside much today. I had a quick scoot round the garden to check on my plants. I looked on on the growing room which seemed to be at optimum heat and humidity according to the experts, so I left well alone! Some of the seeds I sowed  just a few days ago are sprouting so a bit of joy from a dull, damp day.
I decided to do some indoor sewing using the pattern I recently bought. So often I buy these things in a moment of excitement and then shelve it for another day! I got the pattern cut out and also the material, which luckily I had left over from another project. There was just enough to squeeze out the pattern as long as I use contrasting facings, a discarded shirt of Barry's is providing that! I'm also hoping to make my own bias binding from the shirt to add to the pockets! Hopefully not just wishful thinking. There are a few days forecast with rain so maybe it will be a project that's not hanging around for too long!
I managed to speak with my mum's doctor as she was struggling to get through and then finds it difficult to hear. It took me 89 recalls to get through to the receptionist who arranged the call back from the doctor later in the morning! They aren't doing appointments at the surgery and because mum can't cope on the phone they prescribed from my details of the situation, 300 miles away, and my brother will collect.
The doctor was amazed that she wasn't getting any help at home during this lockdown, or any other time, and referred us to social services to get what she needs. My brother and I have now started that process although I'm sure it won't be a speedy solution. Hopefully she will eventually get help with those things she's really struggling with.
My bites are still troubling me but I came to the conclusion that I have aggravated the situation by using the insect repellent on them! I have rosacea which flares up from time to time making my face really sore! I have now sent for some natural insect repellent which shouldn't be so harsh and give my poor face a chance to recover!

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