How's your memory?

Alice watched/followed the odd soap or two, but not fanatical if she missed an episode or anything.
I can't remember if this was Emmerdale, Heartbeat or what; but "he" decided to sell eggs "fresh from the farm", at a suitably inflated price.

He/they were seen in one shot dirtying eggs and adding the odd down feather.
Can't, now remember if it started a bout of illnesses or not; but seem to remember some of his eggs being laid complete with little Lion stamp on one end.
My next door neighbour (There IS a "U" in neighbor) gets more from the hens on her allotment than she can eat, so I get the odd 1/2 doz now and then; whence cometh the memory.
Stupid Spill chucker didn't even offer an alternative or "Add to dictionary" just popped up "comets".
I don't think "~ ~ ~whence comets the memory" looks right somehow?

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