Wearing purple...

By 60plus

I'm not going to be silly...

...and spend Saturday night at the movies...
...or indeed the pub or anywhere else, despite the easing of Lockdown restrictions!
However - this is a several-fold silly image - firstly the balloon is from last August when Roy had a short stay in hospital - and I haven't liked to throw it away as it's still going strong ;) 
I've been ignoring the orchid in the hope it would send out another stem of flowers - and I just noticed that there's a new shoot with a right angle in it at the bottom, where it has been trying to avoid the leaves and reach the light...
My mask is ready in preparation for a visit to the hairdresser on Tuesday - as is the Beethoven style, which I hope will be chopped back to it's usual length soon!!

The first monthly Silly Saturday in memory of Admirer - and thanks to davidc for hosting in July ;) 

My Corona Classic today is W. A. Mozart: Symphony nº 40 - Dima Slobodeniouk - Sinfónica de Galicia

And Dolly has chosen The Seekers - The Carnival Is Over in memory of her late husband Douglas.

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