Fresh Air


West beach, Newhaven.

Jaw numbingly, teeth achingly cold wind today. Only a few people, and gulls, were out in it.

This is from the local paper "The Argus" 1st Nov 2012.

"The beach was closed by owner Newhaven Port and Properties in 2008 amid concerns for public safety.

Crumbling walls on the beach were a health and safety risk and there were also concerns about big waves washing on to the shoreline when ships passed by.

Newhaven Town Council is battling to re-open the beach by getting it village green status, which would force the port to allow public access."

The decision to register as a village green was turned down at a judicial review; leave to appeal has been granted and will be heard later this month. I've just found this:

"The reason that the beach cannot be registered, in Mr Ouseley's opinion, is that registration is not compatible with the statutory purpose (ie running a port) for which the land is held by the Port Authority because there is a conflict of statutory regimes. This was a last minute legal argument raised by the legal team working for the Port Authority in writing after the Judicial Review closed."

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