
By AnnieBScotland

spot coloured spots

been mooching around today like a half-shut knife. that's a rather meaningless phrase that my dear mother-in-law used to use, but it sums up how I feel. A friend died in the night. Not a close friend, but a friend nonetheless. She had terminal cancer, got an infection and with a shot immune system from the chemo couldn't fight it off.

should have been out taking wonderful snowy, sunny photos but couldn't summon up the energy. Last night I cracked the way of doing the spot colour thing, and this week's challenge is 'spot' and I still had half a bag of skittles from last week -are you impressed- so here is a spotty, spot coloured abstract!! there. got them all in.

going to see if I can get a cup of coffee from a neighbour now.

update - no coffe so chopped more logs. also noticed a few spots of dust on the black cloth in the pic. more challenge spots

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