Soggy Afternoon Project

I've impressed myself with my timing today.  I managed to get out three loads of washing between the showers and make the most of the high wind we have had since midnight.  Then after lunch I mowed the grass at the back of the terrace and was just cleaning the mower when the first very heavy shower came through.

Since then it hasn't been dry enough between showers to be outside so I finished my latest jigsaw and set about my window project for this next week.  I was going to bring  a halt to these but the window has something of a following amongst local children and their families so I shall keep it going a bit longer.  I could do with some ideas though!  The last few window projects have been quizzes of a kind so this week's is an identification quiz.

I've just spotted I have repeats of two of the birds.  I think Tony's printer was giving up the ghost ink-wise so he's printed one sheet twice.  Are you eagle eyed enough (pun intended!) to spot the twins??  And do you know all the birds?

The aroma of cooking raspberries has been drifting upstairs from the kitchen this afternoon, now Tony is cooking up a chicken and leek dish for dinner, yum!

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