Haircut Sir . . . ??

We have sadly come to the conclusion / decision that the Cherry Tree has just got too big so close to the house and it must go.  Well perhaps a reprieve may be in the offering.
This morning we could see from the living room that a branch had dropper and the nut-feeder had got caught up, so I set out after breakfast (about eleven o’clock) to remove the offending appendage.  Ok, one thing led to another and I decided to take off a couple of other limbs that had got too big and in the way - see photo.
After that I thought that instead of removing the Cherry Tree we could try coppicing  it and see what sprouts.  I can assure you that the tree is now a lot slimmer than the photo, and I hope we don’t want to get the trailer out as I have stacked the prunings in the side drive (slight exaggeration there perhaps).
Anyway, further shots may be in order.  Phase two will happen after I make space in the drive (does Ornamental Cherry Tree wood burn ok, or perhaps it is good for carpenters?).
For the remainder of today I am slightly tired, so I will catch up on commenting tomorrow - hopefully.

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