
7.1C There was a little snow overnight which was lying frozen this morning. Grey morning with snow flurries, but all disappearing by lunchtime as it got brighter. Breezy.

I was hoping that there might be some snow left in sheltered spots when Maeve the Deerhound and I went out after lunch for our walk. we hardly saw more than a flake or two. Not enough to blip. We went down the road to the shore, then along the cycle path and over the level crossing and down onto the beach where the tide was well out and there was some blue sky.

We could see a man in the distance walking down on the hard sand in the boat channel. Maeve noticed that he had a little dog with him. It was racing about having a lot of fun. Trust Maeve to spot it at such a distance. I can always tell when she has seen something that she wants to chase. Her whole body becomes tense, the ears come up or go back, her head rises and the eyes lock on to the target. Then she walks high and light lifting each paw in the air, almost prancing. Right up on her toes, ready to accelerate !

I calmed Maeve down and we wandered along the beach. I could feel her checking on the whereabouts of the little dog from time to time. At the Fishermen's huts we stopped to look around for things to blip. There were the new creels that have been put together over the last few days. There was a rollock/rowlock hanging on a thin rope inside 'Wee Peem'. But I liked this shot of the wood from the bases of the old creels. It was piled up in a wheelbarrow. I don't know if it will be dumped or dried and burned in the stove inside the hut belonging to the owner of 'Shamara II'. He had a fire going in the hut today, I could see the smoke drifting away on the breeze.

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