In The Stream and Puddles

The major walk today was called off so we went out ourselves to "Take The Air"  It was pretty good air but a couple of times it got a tad damp and The Boss removed ME from the outside of his Pak to a dryer spot. He is really nice like that. I hate getting my fur wet...
The freighter is anchored waiting to berth at Wellington. It had been there for a while but as The Boss was getting his last staggers in, the light changed and there was some faster walking involved and the lovely lady in the red coat obliged for the extra. Tomoro its a "crack of dawn" thingie as we wing our way South for a couple of weeks.
Travel to Wanaka is quite tricky now with a basic lack of flights and issues getting from Queenstown to Wanaka after the plane actually gets there but it will be great to catch up with our friends and maybe go sno shooing.

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