Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2033. Silver Labrador Statue

We found this in the bottom of a box of stuff we bought very cheaply at auction...it’s silver plated but it’s a really nice wee statue of a labrador and I love it because it reminds me of our old black lab, Frodo Baggins...or Mr. Baggins as he was known...amongst  other things as he would answer to any name with an “o” at the end.

I have been playing around with my macro lens again this morning very briefly.  I don’t have a lot of patience for taking hours to set up that perfect shot, which is probably why I never manage to get it!

This is straight out of the camera and I shot it totally on manual using two LED lights.  I have to shoot it slightly darker than the settings tell me as the silver is so reflective.  I am actually quite pleased with this one as I managed to get most of it in focus by moving the camera and the object and by using a remote release to shoot at f22 with a very slow shutter speed.

Just starting some lunch then I might try a wee water colour this afternoon...and watch some of my DVD’s...do some knitting to finally finish a cardigan I have been making since forever and also play my Nintendo Switch, Animal Crossing game too....not a quiet afternoon really...

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