
By sas05

floral finery

ali received these flowers from lisa for looking after her little girl after school.. its a beautiful gesture..and nice to know that a good turn is not taken for granted and is appreciated... shows the calibre of the person who sent them and also the person that received them !!! damn fine people the pair of them !
my last nite shift before 19 days off..... i dunno what else i can add to that ..19 days.. seems like a long time coming doubtless will fly by ..but im gonner savor very minute.. i like my job , love my to live not live to work... had a most entertaining nite last nite though.. my shift manager is brilliant unpredictable entertainment ya dont pay for...the phone goes at 2 ish am,, you know its a problem of some description cos all te boys have come back in , so it must e the boys going out ,, and they dont phone unless thees a problem.. when te phone starts ringing pete "unstable" cable just makes an exclamation before answering..... "ohhh no" ya have to hear the comedy in his tone... have to say i was in tears at moments with billy and big john simpson giving their double act... we also waited for another driver who i cant possibly name who has a gift of sucking all the air out of the room when he enters ... he drags his big black cloud round with him, a icey blast accompanies him into the reception along a with a cloaked grim reaper clanging his bell....get the picture ??? happy go lucky he aint ...anyway . this time tomorrow im a free man sun will shine, chiids laughter will seem like bells will peel a free man..

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