Both Sides Now

By issybe


Teaching was the easy part today!

The staff meeting which followed at the end of the teaching day left me with my head spinning.

Trying to plan for September!
The way the government outlined is just not possible in a school with over 2000 pupils... so where do we compromise? Pupil safety first? But the government claim pupils are not at tisk ... staff safety first? Surely not!!?
One or the other or both will be severely compromised . Our class sizes are already 35+ so much for the helpful suggestion of raising them to 30 ....!

I feel for all head teachers! Having to come up with a plan which is regarded as safe as possible for everyone as well as sustainable for at least a year, so we don’t end up disrupting pupils education again after a few weeks/months.!

But we will get there! We will make it work! And despite the claims in some newspapers staff are more than keen to get back to the classroom! (Well staff at our school at least! ) Teaching online works really well, but it just isn’t the same as being in the classroom!

Bring on September!!

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