Scene of the incident?

After last night’s outing to the Wadden Coast, it was back to a normal working day today. And normal these days, means working from home. Somewhere around two ‘o clock, my remote connection to UMCG hospital was gone. And so was everything else that required internet connectivity. We’re having cable internet and for good measure, the tv and phone signals through the same cable were also gone. As it turned out, there were ground works nearby to put in optic cables for super fast internet. Maybe it’s part of their master plan: depriving competitor’s clients of their internet connectivity :-).

After a couple of hours, everything was working again. At that time, my working day was over. Luckily I could use a WiFi hotspot on my mobile phone to at least answer some emails.

When I retrieved the mail from our old house, I walked past this spot where the orange optic cables were visible as well as a bit of green cable. It’s the type of cable used for our cable tv and internet, so perhaps this was the spot where it went wrong earlier today...

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