Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Gai Pad Med Mamuang Himmapan

Not a happy chappy. We ate early tonight because we were going out for a boozy evening with friends and they always end up eating at 10pm soonest. Chucked in a stir fry to keep the wolf from the door. Now they've just rung to say Mr C - the wimp - has got a cold. Staying in. Baggah.

Anyway, the ingredients you saw on Sunday finally made it into the wok, well some of them. Of course you all know that this is Gai Pad Med Mamuang Himmapan so I'll not dwell to long on an explanation, save to say it was very tasty.

MrsDB insisted on a mild heat sauce - but when she wasn't looking I added a few dried chilli seeds and she didn't notice the difference. I think it's become simply something for her to say, "Not too many chillis, you know I don't like them". "Of course not my little sea cucumber....", I replied through clenched teeth and a curled lip.

Then all I heard for the next ten minutes was slurping, chomping and the clatter of flailing cutlery.

Have to admit it was quite good. The chillis were just hot enough (for me), the garlic was rather on the garlicky side, the oyster sauce and onion gave it a sweet smoky flavour and the cashew nuts added an extra crunch. Bet I can still taste it in the morning!!!

First had this dish many years ago, and many times, in the Erawan Siam in Howe Street in Edinburgh and I've never found it better anywhere else.

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